
Welcome to my humble little stage which stocks up Japanese fashion, gear, accesories, etc. The intended audiences are my fellow afficionados who want to be bold and different amidst everyone else living in the little island affectionately named, Singapore. Therefore stocks are extremely exclusive and some items are limited to ONLY 5 pieces. If you have any questions, please email me at and make sure you read the Terms and Conditions before ordering anything. Last but not least, be kind to animals and the environment.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Monster Hunter 2nd G Fur Pouch (Japan Release)

Name: Monster Hunter 2nd G Fur Pouch (Japan Release)
Code: UDSmhfp_01
Color: White
Status: SOLD OUT

Friday, April 4, 2008

Magne Loop

Name: Magne Loop
Code: UDSmglp_00
Size: 45.0cm / 50.0cm
Style: Regular / Thin
Color: Black / Blue / Pink
Status: Available
Price: ¥2500 ~ ¥3500 (Please email me for orders as Paypal is experiencing technical issues)

Comment: These are the latest fad in Japan where necklaces made of medical grade magnets are used to relieve aches due to fatigue or sports.

Please refer to Manufacturer's Site (Japanese Only) for more info.

Mascot Robot Haro

Name: Mascot Robot Haro
Code: UDSmsh_01
Size: 16.0cm X 19.0cm X 15.0cm
Status: SOLD OUT